Don't. Touch. Grandpa. (Or: Is It Ok To Break The Rules For A Compelling Reason?)
I'm no Liam Neeson, but if you touch this lovely gentleman, I will find you and I will kill you. (Just kidding, I'm a journalist) (Photo: Here is an ethical dilemma I will try to solve in today’s post: “For at least a year, reporters on your paper have heard rumors that a retirement home is negligent in its care of the elderly. Your editor asks you to get a job there as a janitor and to report what you find. What would be your response, and why?” I would open my own retirement home and bring them all to live with me. Seriously, though. As a journalist, I would first try to use traditional open methods to investigate the story. A whole year of hearing rumors, what exactly does that mean? What evidence do we have? What reason do we have to believe this is happening? ...